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Steel Sustainability Australia Scheme

Steel Sustainability Australia (SSA) is a new sustainability certification scheme, run by the Australian Steel Institute, that is recognised by the Responsible Product Framework in the GBCA’s Green Star Buildings ratings tool.

It replaces the previous Environmental Sustainability Charter (ESC) that was recognised by the GBCA’s ‘Design & As Built’ ratings tool.

What is the SSA program?

SSA is designed to identify sustainable steel suppliers by assessing the environmental and social impact of their steelwork manufacturing and processing operations.

The SSA program encompasses the entire steel value chain, firstly by providing Verification of upstream Steel Producers against various ESG requirements.

SSA also provides Certification of downstream steel businesses, including reinforcing steel processors, structural steel fabricators and steel roll formers.

Certified SSA businesses can contribute to a ‘Good Practice’ or ‘Best Practice’ outcome in the Responsible Product Framework Credit of the GBCA’s Green Star Buildings tool, which delivers 3 or 5 Green Star points respectively.

InfraBuild Reinforcing achieves SSA Level 2B Certification

InfraBuild Reinforcing, as a major reinforcing steel processor in Australia, continues to support their customer’s sustainability ambitions and projects by achieving ‘SSA Certified Level 2B Supplier’ status for their eight major reinforcing sites located at:

SSA Level 2B Certification, in conjunction with InfraBuild Reinforcing’s Product-Specific EPD, is a recognised initiative combination that delivers a Responsible Product Value of 15 in the GBCA’s ‘Responsible Products Score Checker’.

An RPV of 15 or above is a ‘Best Practice Product’ outcome in the Green Star Buildings tool.

And products with an RPV of 15 or above can help support a Credit Achievement outcome (which provides 3 Green Star points) or an Exceptional Performance outcome (which provides 5 Green Star points) in the Responsible Structure credit.

The Certificates for InfraBuild Reinforcing’s Certified sites are available below;

Reverification for both InfraBuild Steel and InfraBuild Reinforcing is required on an annual basis.

InfraBuild documentation for SSA Credit 2.3 – Health Impacts Declaration

All SSA Applicants must publish a ‘Health Impacts Declaration’ that meets the requirements of Credit 2.3 and has been externally verified as part of the SSA Audit process.

InfraBuild Reinforcing has prepared the following ‘Health Impact Declaration’ in line with the requirements of SSA Credit 2.3. This document been externally verified as meeting these requirements as part of our annual Audit.

InfraBuild Steel has SSA “Verified Steel Supplier” Status

Consistent with InfraBuild’s market focussed approach to sustainability, InfraBuild Steel has SSA “Verified Steel Supplier” status for both our Laverton Steel Mill (Victoria) and Sydney Steel Mill (NSW). This is demonstrated by the Verified Supplier Certificate (available below) and on the SSA website.

Our Verified Steel Supplier status provide our customers, including reinforcing processors and structural steel fabricators, with the assurance that procuring steel manufactured by InfraBuild Steel will allow them to meet the mandatory requirements of SSA’s Credit 4.1 (Steel Supply Sourcing).


InfraBuild documentation for SSA Credit 3.3 – Procurement OH&S Assessment

SSA Applicants seeking Level 2B or Level 3 Certification are required to seek assurances from at least 95% of their suppliers (measured by total annual spend) used in the manufacturing or processing of steel that they are appropriately managing their OH&S risks.

InfraBuild has prepared the following document to support this Credit.

SSA - Steel Manufacturing Mill - 2025-26