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Estimating and Scheduling

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Estimating and Scheduling


Calculating the amount of concrete reinforcing steel in a project can often be a time consuming and complex task if you are unfamiliar with the process. InfraBuild Reinforcing can provide an estimating service at most of our locations, in order to provide greater certainty when you are pricing steel reinforcement projects. InfraBuild Reinforcing can provide estimated tonnages for rebar (reinforcing bar), number of sheets of reinforcing mesh and all the associated accessories that go with them. When you couple this with lump sum pricing, understanding your cost for reinforcing steel becomes far less complicated. This service is all part of what makes working with InfraBuild Reinforcing a comprehensive and reassuring process.


Accurate and timely scheduling of steel reinforcing is crucial in keeping a project running smoothly. InfraBuild Reinforcing has some of the most skilled and experienced schedulers in Australia. With a national footprint and schedulers located at most of our branches, you can be sure your next steel reinforcing project is in safe hands. InfraBuild Reinforcing provides scheduling of reinforcing steel as part of our supply package, so you can be confident you will have some of the most experienced schedulers in the country to assist you.

Project management

Keeping projects on time and on budget is a constant challenge for any building project. What separates InfraBuild Reinforcing from other steel reinforcing suppliers is our ability to provide experienced reinforcing project managers to large and complex civil, commercial and residential projects. Most of our project managers have either an engineering background or extensive industry experience (and in most cases, both), which ensures they can provide unparalleled advice when it comes to solving challenging issues.

To discuss what advice InfraBuild Reinforcing can provide you for all your steel reinforcement needs please contact your nearest bar shop.