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Trench Mesh Reinforcing Mesh


Trench Mesh Reinforcing Mesh

Trench mesh reinforcing sheet supplied by InfraBuild Reinforcing is a Class L and N reinforcing mesh typically used in residential, industrial and commercial buildings to reinforce concrete footings and beams.

Trench mesh from InfraBuild Reinforcing is supplied in sheet sizes 6 x 0.2 m to 6 x 0.5 m and is available in 3, 4, 5 and 6 wire meshes (3-Bar, 4-Bar, 5-Bar and 6-Bar), as well as 8 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm wires.

Note: Always consult with an engineer before choosing the mesh best suited for your application as using the wrong mesh size could potentially result in failure to your concrete structure.

Typical Uses

  • Residential, industrial and commercial footing trenches


  • Available in variety of sheet sizes and wire diameters

Associated Standards

  • AS/NZS 4671 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete
  • AS 3600 Concrete structures
  • AS 3727 Guide to residential pavements
  • AS 2870 Residential slabs and footings

To find out more about the range of steel reinforcing mesh stocked at your local InfraBuild Reinforcing please contact your nearest branch.

Trench Mesh 500L Size 8, 11, 12, 16
Product Code Std Unit Longitudinal Wires* Mass (kg) Dimensions (m)
L8TM200 Sheet 3 × 7.6 @ 100 6.8 6 × 0.2
L8TM300 Sheet 4 × 7.6 @ 100 9.2 6 × 0.3
L8TM400 Sheet 5 x 7.6 @ 100 11.6 6 x 0.4
L8TM500 Sheet 6 × 7.6 @ 100 13.9 6 × 0.5
L11TM200 Sheet 3 × 10.7 @ 100 13.3 6 x 0.2
L11TM300 Sheet 4 × 10.7 @ 100 17.7 6 x 0.3
L11TM400 Sheet 5 × 10.7 @ 100 22.3 6 x 0.4
L11TM500 Sheet 6 x 10.7 @ 100 26.8 6 x 0.5
L12TM200 Sheet 3 × 11.9 @ 100 15.8 6 x 0.2
L12TM300 Sheet 4 × 11.9 @ 100 21.2 6 x 0.3
L12TM400 Sheet 5 × 11.9 @ 100 26.5 6 x 0.4
L12TM500 Sheet 6 × 11.9 @ 100 31.9 6 x 0.5
FTM16200 Sheet 3 × 16 @ 100 30.6 6 x 0.2
FTM16300 Sheet 4 x 16 @ 100 41.1 6 x 0.3

* Number of Wires x
Diameter (mm) @ Spacing (mm)