Home / Our Stories / We’re celebrating innovation with our Shark Tank Challenge

We’re celebrating innovation with our Shark Tank Challenge

4 April 2024

Pictured above: 2023 Shark Tank winners Will Andrews, Andre Human and Georgina Watkins receiving their award from CEO Francisco Irazusta

We’re delighted to announce the winners of the Distribution and Processing team’s Shark Tank Challenge, showcasing innovation, collaboration, and forward-thinking within the InfraBuild D&P team, and under the theme ‘Stronger Together’

Congratulations to Will Andrews, Andre Human and Georgina Watkins who took out the top prize for their idea to use artificial intelligence (AI) for planning and forecasting.  

Following three pitch rounds, four finalists were selected to pitch their ideas in the final-round battle to the Executive Committee in December.

Our winners were presented the top prize from our CEO Francisco Irazusta, and received funding towards their idea, as well as $1,500 to donate to their chosen charity.   

All Shark Tank finalists presented solid and innovative pitches that will also receive support throughout 2024.

“The Shark Tank Challenge is a testament to our commitment to innovation and collaboration within our team,” said Greg Jones, the Executive General Manager of Distribution and Processing. 

“The program was designed to create an innovation funnel for our team so that anyone and everyone had the opportunity and access to put forward an idea if they chose to do so.”  

Pictured above: Our 2023 Shark Tank finalists with Executive General Manager, Greg Jones, and CEO Francisco Irazusta 

We are looking forward to following their journey as our finalists progress their ideas from concept to design and then hopefully, into the marketplace.  

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