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ISCA rating tool V2.0 launched

30 July 2018

ISCA and InfraBuild have joined forces to launch ISCA’s rating tool version 2.0 at a series of events around the country.

Launch events are being held across the country to celebrate the launch of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s (ISCA) rating tool version 2.0, with InfraBuild (formerly LIBERTY OneSteel) proud to act as an official launch partner.

Events have been held already in Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Forrestfield (WA) and Newcastle, with further events to be held in Canberra (ACT) on 7 August and Christchurch (NZ) on 29 August.

The first event in the launch event, which was held in Auckland on June 7, brought together that city’s community of infrastructure professionals.

Speaking at the event, Nicole Boyd, ISCA’s General Manager Infrastructure Innovation, hailed the collaborative efforts of ISCA’s members and 103 industry representatives towards the development of version 2.0.

“Of the 9670 hours taken to develop version 2.0, 2000 hours of those were in-kind from 154 people and 103 organisations,” Nicole said.

The purpose of the launch events is to highlight the key changes in ISCA’s rating tool version 2.0, what additional sustainability benefits are contained in version 2.0 and how the new rating award levels of bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond compare to the previous ratings of commended, excellent and leading. The events are also an opportunity for participants to ask questions and find out more information about the latest innovation of the ISCA tool.

Key changes to the IS rating tool version 2.0 include:

  • the introduction of a new voluntary planning rating
  • credits written for each phase of the infrastructure lifecycle
  • more clearly defined criterion and ‘must’ statements in the technical manual
  • an expert verification process
  • both new and updated categories and credits.

IS version 2.0 has been developed in collaboration with industry across Australia and New Zealand. Projects that utilise the new version will achieve greater sustainability outcomes as version 2.0 has been developed in alignment the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These outcomes include infrastructure planned and delivered to solve a societal problem, greater social returns throughout the supply chain and increased transparency.

InfraBuild has played its part in helping ISCA deliver its version 2.0 rating tool. The company is Australia’s largest manufacturer and supplier of structural and reinforcing steel. Approximately 80 per cent of the steel it manufactures is used by the construction industry. As such, it is on the front line in the delivery of resilient infrastructure that meets recognised sustainability targets.

InfraBuild’s Rob Johnson said sustainability is one of the company’s core values and that it aligns with ISCA’s stated goal to improve the productivity and liveability of industry and communities through sustainability in infrastructure.

“InfraBuild’s role as an official Australian and New Zealand partner to ISCA as it holds its ISv2.0 launch event series demonstrates the company’s commitment to promoting sustainable outcomes for projects and for steel,” Rob said.

“The new ISv2.0 rating tool provides a platform for early engagement and collaboration at all levels of the supply chain,” he added. “It represents the next phase in the delivery of sustainability ratings for infrastructure, incorporating a more holistic approach to sustainability and a focus on sustainable procurement.”

To register for an upcoming ISCA event, visit: http://www.isca.org.au/events

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