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Supporting Mental Health: Our Commitment to a Caring Workplace

2 October 2024

At InfraBuild, we believe that mental health and wellbeing are essential to creating a healthy and productive work environment. That’s why we’ve implemented several key programs to foster a culture of care and support. Here’s a look at some of the initiatives that demonstrate our commitment to mental health and psychosocial safety in the workplace.

We Care: Promoting Psychosocial Safety and Wellbeing

Our flagship mental health program, We Care, focuses on three key elements: psychosocial risk management, mental health, and wellbeing.

Through psychosocial risk management, we work to identify and mitigate workplace factors that may cause psychological harm, such as stressful job demands or harmful behaviours. This proactive approach helps address risks before they escalate into more serious mental health concerns.

The mental health element offers employees tools and resources to maintain their mental wellbeing, including access to mental health first aiders and confidential support through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The program also includes training initiatives designed to empower employees to manage their mental health.

The wellbeing component encourages employees to build resilience and lead fulfilling lives inside and outside of work. Initiatives like the Global Health Challenge help employees focus on their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Mental Health First Aid: Immediate Support When It’s Needed Most

Our Mental Health First Aid program trains employees to recognise the signs of mental health issues and provide immediate support. Like traditional first aiders, mental health first aiders offer initial help during a mental health crisis until professional assistance is available. They play a crucial role in creating a supportive workplace where help is accessible when needed.

Mental health first aiders are trained to:

  • Listen without judgement
  • Provide relevant information
  • Encourage seeking professional help

Their presence helps reduce stigma and ensures that employees know they have support when facing mental health challenges.

Active Bystander: Taking Action to Prevent Harm

OurActive Bystander program empowers employees to intervene when they witness inappropriate or harmful behaviour. Whether it’s an offensive comment or inappropriate conduct, being an active bystander means recognising the behaviour and taking steps to prevent it from escalating.

Employees are trained to act by either directly addressing the situation, offering support to those impacted, or reporting the behaviour to management. This initiative reinforces our commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment.

Employee Assistance Program: Support for our employees and their families

Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP)is available to all InfraBuild employees and their immediate family. This confidential service offers a wide range of support, from helping employees manage stress to offering financial guidance.

“The EAP is there for whatever you need, whether you’re dealing with personal challenges, work-related stress, or even managing your budget,” explains Colette Nancarrow, Occ. Health, Workers Comp and Wellbeing Business Partner. “It’s a resource for you and your loved ones to access when life gets overwhelming.”

By providing free and confidential assistance, the EAP ensures that support is always available when employees or their families need it.

Together, these programs—We Care, Mental Health First Aid, Active Bystander, and the Employee Assistance Program—highlight InfraBuild’s commitment to supporting mental health. By offering these resources, we aim to create a caring workplace where every employee feels valued, respected, and supported in their journey towards better wellbeing.

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